Why Do We Need Iodine In Our Bodies?

Apr 18, 2024 FAQs 4 MIN

Why Do We Need Iodine In Our Bodies?

You may have heard of Iodine, but what exactly is it? Does it have any benefits? Why do we need Iodine? Where does it come from, and should you pick a multivitamin with Iodine or a multivitamin without Iodine? These are all excellent questions, so Team Nature Made® has put together some answers to help you answer your Iodine questions!


What is Iodine?

The first step to understanding why Nature Made® puts Iodine in some of our multivitamin capsules or tablets is knowing what Iodine is in the first place! Iodine is a mineral micronutrient found in soil and sea all around the world. This multi-purpose mineral was discovered in the 1800s and has since been used to do all sorts of things, from cleaning the skin before surgery to detecting counterfeit money![1][2] But here at Nature Made®, we are primarily interested in how Iodine serves your body as a micronutrient. Iodine is a mineral that serves an important role in the body's metabolism and energy production; our body needs it to function![3]†


Why Do You Need Iodine?

So why do we need Iodine? There’s a pretty simple answer to that! Iodine is essential for thyroid health and function. The thyroid is a hormonal gland located at the base of your neck, and it's essential for managing the body's metabolism, growth, and development. The thyroid gland needs Iodine to produce the hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and Tetraiodothyronine (T4). These two hormones, T3 and T4, are essential for making our cells work harder, raising the rate at which we use the energy we get from food, and improving our reflexes and concentration when we really need them![4] Our Advanced Multivitamin Gummies for Him provide Iodine to support healthy thyroid function, along with providing a good source of Magnesium and Calcium, and an excellent source of all 8 B Vitamins, specially formulated for men to get the nutritional support they need in three daily gummies.†


Who Might Need Multivitamins With Iodine

Certain dietary factors may affect your Iodine intake. You may be interested in multivitamins with Iodine or Iodine supplements if you do not use iodized salt (the majority of table salt is iodized), you are vegan or avoid dairy and seafood products, or you are pregnant.[3] How much Iodine per day? Adults should consume 150 micrograms of Iodine in their daily diet or supplementation, and pregnant women should consume 220 micrograms daily.[3]


Food Sources of Iodine

What foods have Iodine? Iodine is present in many different foods, so try to include a variety of foods rich in Iodine in your diet to help meet your body's Iodine needs. Some of the best foods with Iodine come from the sea, with seaweed, oysters, and cod providing rich sources of Iodine. Greek yogurt and hard-boiled eggs are also excellent sources of dietary Iodine, so there are plenty of choices to pick from when looking for Iodine-rich foods to include in your daily diet!


The Benefits of Advanced Multivitamins

If you're looking for an iodine multivitamin, check out Nature Made®'s new Advanced Multivitamins! Our Advanced Multivitamin Gummies provide 75 mcg of Iodine in one dose, which is 50% of your daily value, to help support healthy thyroid function. Additionally, this advanced daily multivitamin addresses several dietary shortfalls, as many U.S. adults have diets lacking in Magnesium (54%), Calcium (43%), Vitamin B6 (11%), Vitamin D (95%), Vitamin C (46%), Zinc (15%) and Vitamin E (84%).[5]†

With a variety of form factors, Nature Made® has plenty of options to help you pick the best multivitamin with Iodine for you! If you also like your supplements to be tasty, try our Advanced Multi for Adults Gummies, which provides 20 key nutrients for daily nutritional support in gummy form. Additionally, these gummies serve as a good source of high-absorption magnesium citrate to support muscle relaxation and nerve, heart, and bone health, and calcium to help support strong bones. Plus, they are an excellent source of all 8 B vitamins to support brain function. That's a lot of benefits packed into three enjoyable daily gummies! If you’re looking for a multivitamin without Iodine, Nature Made® Multi + Omega-3 Gummies provide key nutrients to help support immune, bone & muscle health and energy metabolism along with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids.‡†


Nature Made®'s Commitment to Quality

Nature Made® is committed to quality, and we strive to offer you the best quality and variety of Vitamins and Supplements specifically formulated for your age, gender, and life stage. Our Advanced Multivitamin Gummies for Her provide a number of essential nutrients specifically tuned for women to get the nutritional support they need. Nature Made® has over 50 years of expertise.†


‡Helps convert food into cellular energy.†

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  1. Bednarek RS, Nassereddin A, Ramsey ML. Skin Antiseptics. [Updated 2023 May 29]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507853/
  2. How does a counterfeit detector pen work? HowStuffWorks. Published April 1, 2000. https://money.howstuffworks.com/question212.htm
  3. National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements - Iodine. Nih.gov. Published 2017. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iodine-Consumer/
  4. InformedHealth.org [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. How does the thyroid gland work? 2010 Nov 17 [Updated 2018 Apr 19]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279388/
  5. Reider CA, Chung RY, Devarshi PP, Grant RW, Hazels Mitmesser S. Inadequacy of Immune Health Nutrients: Intakes in U.S. Adults, the 2005-2016 NHANES. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1735. Published 2020 Jun 10. doi:10.3390/nu12061735.


Graham Morris

NatureMade Copywriter

Graham has a degree in film with a focus on screenwriting from the University of California, Santa Cruz. He enjoys learning new things and finding the best, most engaging way to communicate them to a wide audience. Graham appreciates simplicity in life and nutrition, and wants to find the easiest, no-stress ways to stay healthy.

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Lynn M. Laboranti, RD

Science and Health Educator

Lynn is a Registered Dietitian (R.D.) and is a member of the Medical and Scientific Communications team at Pharmavite. She has over 20 years of experience in integrative and functional nutrition and has given lectures to health professionals and consumers on nutrition, dietary supplements and related health issues. Lynn frequently conducts employee trainings on various nutrition topics in addition to educating retail partners on vitamins, minerals and supplements. Lynn has previous clinical dietitian expertise in both acute and long-term care, as well as nutrition counseling for weight management, diabetes, and sports nutrition. Lynn earned a bachelor’s of science in Nutrition with a minor in Kinesiology/Exercise Science from The Pennsylvania State University. She earned a M.S. degree in Human Nutrition from Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Lynn is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Sports Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionists, Dietitians in Functional Medicine, and holds a certification in Integrative and Functional Nutrition through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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