
The mineral essential for red blood cell formation

A key nutrient for women

Iron is an essential mineral for everyone, and especially for women during key stages of life. Learn more to find out whether iron supplementation is right for you.

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Understanding Iron

An essential mineral that matters for all.

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What is Iron?

As an important mineral in your body’s growth and development, iron helps transport oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. Great food sources for iron include lean meat, fish, poultry, molasses, tofu, beans, lentils, spinach, nuts, and fortified cereals.

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Who should take Iron?

If you have low levels of iron or iron deficiency anemia (as diagnosed by your healthcare professional), supplemental iron should be considered while working with your health care practitioner. Teen girls and women with heavy menstrual cycles face a higher risk of low iron levels, as do pregnant women. Also, if you don’t eat a balanced diet rich in foods containing iron or take iron-depleting medications, you might need an iron-containing supplement. Consulting with a health care practitioner about your blood iron levels is an important first step in understanding if you need to supplement with it.

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What is Iron good for?

Your body uses iron to produce hemoglobin (a key protein found in red blood cells) that enables red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, your body can’t produce enough red blood cells, causing your body tissues to receive less oxygen than they need. Iron is also an essential nutrient for women in their reproductive years.


Explore expert answers to some of the most frequently asked iron questions.

  • What does Iron help with?

    Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, the protein which enables red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. When your cells don’t have enough oxygen, they can’t function properly, and as a result, can become fatigued.
  • Where does Iron come from?

    Food Iron is presented to the body as “heme” Iron, found only in animal products, or “non-heme” Iron, which is found in plant foods and about 60% in animals. The non-heme Iron is not absorbed as well as heme Iron. Liver, oysters, shellfish, kidney, lean red meat, poultry, and fish are sources of heme Iron. Dried beans, dried fruits, blackstrap molasses, dark leafy green vegetables, prune juice, Iron fortified cereals, and lima beans are good sources of non-heme Iron. Combine non-heme sources of Iron with Vitamin C rich foods or supplements to enhance Iron absorption.
  • What causes Iron shortfalls?

    There are many factors that may contribute to Iron shortfalls and Iron shortfall anemia, including: blood loss, impaired Iron absorption, insufficient diet, and higher physiological demands.
  • Is there a danger of Iron toxicity?

    The danger of Iron toxicity is rare due to the fact that Iron absorption is closely regulated and decreases when Iron stores are full. A genetic defect called hemochromatosis, most common in men, causes excessive Iron absorption and may result in damage to the heart, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Iron supplements are hazardous for children to ingest and should be kept out of their reach.
  • When does this product expire?

    Please refer to the expiration date on the bottle.